The Coming-Down-to-the-Wire NaNoWriMo Update

Three days left, and I'm a bit behind, but at a manageable level. My current count is 43,841 words out of the 45,000 I should be at today. 6,159 words to go, which works out to about 6-odd hours of the editing/rewriting that I'm doing this year — eminently obtainable over three days (esp. with a couple of write-ins coming up), but with not a lot of room for slacking off.

I will probably not complete a full-book edit this run-through — I'm mostly done with edits to ch. 3, and I am unlikely to get 8 more chapters done to catch up with where I started NaNo working on. But I'll have it the oldest material in te novel with a good refresh, which was my goal.

I'm feeling pretty good about what I'm doing, though, have cleaned up not only a lot of stuff that got critiqued by my writing group, but a lot of stuff I noticed on my own ad have not had the full-book perspective to spot ("Oh, hey I mention in chapter 15 that character X had a nasty divorce, but here in chapter 3 he talks about going home and talking to his wife").

The daunting thing about all of this is that I don't see running these earlier chapters past my writing group again (twice is probably about all they can take), which means when I finish the remaining several chapters with them, it will be time to fish or cut bait regarding trying to get the thing published. Which this year's NaNo effort will be a large portion of feeling it's ready to give that a whirl.

Hope everyone else is feeling good about their work this year. Three more days! You can do it!



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